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Yooz, an international provider of intelligent P2P software in the Cloud, has announced the launch of YoozProtect, a new functionality to assist in the automatic detection of fraudulent and forged documents and enhance regulation compliance for UK businesses.
Auditors can expect to come under greater pressure from the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in the coming year over their work on going concern and fraud risk
Farmers have been warned to ‘be vigilant’ against fraud attacks in the face of increasingly sophisticated levels of fraud and cybersecurity attacks against the agricultural industry.
A momentary lack of human resolve can be all it takes for a fraudster to get what they need
Farmers have been urged to be vigilant and aware in the face of increasingly sophisticated levels of fraud and cybersecurity attacks against the agricultural industry.
North Yorkshire Police has set up a new Facebook page to raise awareness about the issue.
The APPG for Whistleblowing was set up on 10 July 2018 after a campaign by WhistleblowersUK to expose the positive benefits of making speaking up safe.
Santander customers will receive tailored warnings about different types of fraud when they transfer money through their banking app, as part of anti-scam measures being rolled out this month.
M&S and Nationwide are rated the best at dealing with card fraud while John Lewis/Waitrose and Natwest are judged least helpful.
James Holzrichter believed he was doing the right thing when as an eager young analyst and systems auditor in the 1980s for an American aerospace and defense technology company, he innocently brought some problems of material acquisition and management to his supervisor.
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