10 point plan to combat economic crime

DC Frank Nesbitt of the Northumbria Police Economic Crime Unit and Secretary of the NEFF has designed this 10-point plan to help combat economic crime within your organisation/company.

  1. Have in place an anti-fraud policy which is easy to understand and circulated amongst all employees of your organization. Maintain a momentum.
  2. Have a nominated individual or team within your organization who is responsible for all fraud issues. Risk management and investigations.
  3. Promote systems within your organization to detect fraud. Dip sample systems.
  4. Adopt appropriate controls and have in place a fraud response plan.
  5. Consider fraud as a business risk, take it seriously. Focus on prevention.
  6. Provide fraud awareness training for all ensuring an alertness to the indication of fraud.
  7. Install an effective 'whistleblowing' policy. Reward efficiency and reduction in losses.
  8. Don't recruit fraudsters in the first place, know your customer / client / employee.
  9. Involve and seek advice from your Economic Crime Unit right from the outset and/or detection of a fraud.
  10. Be tough, punish offenders.

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