DC Frank Nesbitt of the Northumbria Police Economic Crime Unit and Secretary of the NEFF has designed this 10-point plan to help combat economic crime within your organisation/company.
- Have in place an anti-fraud policy which is easy to understand and circulated amongst all employees of your organization. Maintain a momentum.
- Have a nominated individual or team within your organization who is responsible for all fraud issues. Risk management and investigations.
- Promote systems within your organization to detect fraud. Dip sample systems.
- Adopt appropriate controls and have in place a fraud response plan.
- Consider fraud as a business risk, take it seriously. Focus on prevention.
- Provide fraud awareness training for all ensuring an alertness to the indication of fraud.
- Install an effective 'whistleblowing' policy. Reward efficiency and reduction in losses.
- Don't recruit fraudsters in the first place, know your customer / client / employee.
- Involve and seek advice from your Economic Crime Unit right from the outset and/or detection of a fraud.
- Be tough, punish offenders.