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Much has changed since the National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) was published in November of last year. The principal threats to our national security remain the same. We are witnessing the resurgence of state-based threats – as displayed most obviously by Russia’s actions in Syria and Ukraine; terrorism and extremism threaten our security; cyber attacks are on the increase from both state and non-state actors, and we face renewed challenges to the rules-based international order that provides the bedrock of our security
Open Publication
Cybercriminals hide behind anonymity to carry out their crimes, operating under a veil of secrecy to conceal who they are and what they’re up to. By understanding the data we collect through our Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) and absorbing the industry intelligence from our GReAT (Global Research and Analysis Team) researchers, you can learn more about what their tactics are and how you can protect your business.
A Steady State of Threats in the Connected World – October 2016. The findings reflect a DDoS landscape that remains teeming with consistent and relentless attacks. Despite the steady number of organizations affected by DDoS, respondents are reporting increased encounters with malware, and now ransomware, in conjunction with DDoS attacks. These types of activities are known as “smokescreens” because the DDoS attack seeks to divert attention while a more sinister plot is carried out.
Legislation and guidance for a corporate offence of failure to prevent the criminal facilitation of tax evasion
The new corporate offence aims to overcome the difficulties in attributing criminal liability to corporations for the criminal acts of those who act on their behalf. Whilst this consultation refers to the application of the new offence to “corporations”, the draft legislation refers to a “relevant body” to encompass the broad range of legal persons to which the new offence will apply.
The draft legislation is expected to be implemented in early 2017.
In July 2016, Briggs LJ published his final report on the structure of the civil courts which set out his proposals for their reform. The proposals seek to make greater use of technological systems within the civil justice system. The report makes 62 recommendations including a proposal for the establishment of an online court dealing with civil disputes of ‘modest value and complexity’ without the need to incur the cost of legal representation.
Department for Work and Pensions 2015-16 Accounts - Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General
The Department’s total estimated expenditure on benefits in 2015-16 was £172.0 billion, of which £147.7 billion was for benefits paid directly by the Department and £24.3 billion for benefits paid on the Department’s behalf by local authorities (Housing Benefit). Benefit expenditure represents 96% of the Department’s 2015-16 total net operating costs of £179.9 billion, as recorded in the Department’s Annual Report and Accounts.
The Committee's recent inquiry into cyber-security was triggered by a series of data breaches at Talk Talk, but the Committee has warned that the problem is significant, growing, and affects all sectors with an on-line platform or service. Ninety per cent of large organisations have reportedly experienced a security breach, and 25% of companies experience a cyber-breach at least once a month. The public sector fares no better: the latest research from the ICO shows that the health sector has the most data breaches, followed by local government.
The criminal justice system is close to breaking point. Lack of shared accountability and resource pressures mean that costs are being shunted from one part of the system to another and the system suffers from too many delays and inefficiencies. The Government is implementing reforms to improve the system but we are concerned that users of the system won’t see the full benefit for another four years.
It is best practice for an organisation to apply the same degree of rigour to assessing the risks to its information assets as it would to legal, regulatory, financial or operational risk. This can be achieved by embedding an information risk management regime across the organisation, which is actively supported by the Board, senior managers and an empowered Information Assurance (IA) governance structure.
The last four years have seen a fundamental shift in the leadership and direction of the SFO which has had a positive, tangible change of organisational culture. However, there are a number of challenges, against which recommendations have been made to increase the Management Board’s effectiveness. These include a reconstruction of board and executive responsibilities, clearer reporting lines, holistic risk management and measuring and providing better value for money. Whilst the current governance arrangements have served the SFO well, there is now an opportunity for a further step change in order to help future proof the organisation.
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