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Following a fair and open competition, John Carroll has been confirmed in his role as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the SFO. He will be joined by Michelle Crotty, who has been appointed as Chief Capability Officer (CCO).
Serious and organised crime is exploiting the changing circumstances during the pandemic. From the onset of this crisis, Europol monitored these developments to help Member States understand and tackle this emerging phenomena. The full impact of the pandemic – not only on crime but also more widely on society and the economy – is not yet apparent. However, law enforcement should be prepared to be able to respond to the warning signals as the world deals with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, international policing needs to work with the increased connectivity both in the physical and virtual worlds. This crisis again proves that exchanging criminal information is essential to fighting crime within the law enforcement community. Europol, as the criminal information hub for all law enforcement organisations, will continue to play its part.
In their recent COVID-19 update, the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) sought to assure us that they will continue to investigate suspected fraud, bribery and corruption, adapting ways of working where necessary to adhere to government guidance.
Medical hardware is the latest addition to a growing list of areas targeted by criminals during the Covid-19 pandemic. In an exclusive interview INTERPOL’s Executive Director Stephen Kavanagh gives an update on the emerging threats, the impact on traditional crime and how law enforcement is responding.
The SFO continues to investigate suspected fraud, bribery and corruption, adapting ways of working where necessary to adhere to Government guidance.
Victims of cyber crime face barriers to reporting, receiving support and achieving justice, says a Home Office-backed study
While enforcement agencies have yet to indicate that they intend to put their pens down in response to COVID-19, there is anecdotal evidence that some agencies have slowed their investigations as remote working impacts matter management.
The UK’s NCSC has taken down more than 80 malicious web campaigns and received 5,000 reports of suspicious emails within 24 hours of launching reporting service
The quality of evidence the National Crime Agency (NCA) must present to obtain unexplained wealth orders (UWO) could be clarified by the Court of Appeal in the coming months, an expert in corporate crime law has said.
The National Crime Agency has published its Annual Plan for 2020/21.
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