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Businesses developing innovative digital products and services will be able to test that their solutions comply with data protection laws under a new scheme promised by the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
Gwent Police has admitted its systems may have been breached.
Nine separate companies were given penalties by the independent authority in the first month of the year – the highest for any one month
GDPR is much more inclusive than we’ve seen in other regulations. It covers direct and indirect data, and calls out specific data such as IP addresses as personal data.
In her latest Brexit speech, prime minister Theresa May said the UK wants to secure a data protection agreement with the EU, ensuring “stability and confidence” post-Brexit.
The Open Rights Group says it fears a data breach is "inevitable" as the deadline approaches for a controversial change in the way people in the UK access online pornography.
Less than a third of global healthcare organisations remain untouched, as data breaches rise across the industry
With three months to go, many small businesses haven't begun data protection prep
Academics find social media group’s data policies will breach GDPR regime
Organisations responsible for how personal data is handled will be obliged to pay up to £2,900 each year to fund the monitoring of compliance and enforcement of data protection law in the UK from 25 May, under plans outlined by the ICO.
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