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Business crime solicitor warns against over-dependence on blockchain in the battle against financial crime.
Digital banking has created openings for criminals and lenders must fight back
Barclays chief executive Jes Staley was last week fined £642,430 for breaking rules by attempting to identify a whistleblower. The bank has also cut £500,000 from Staley’s bonus.
An increasing number of people are being duped into becoming money mules
Responding to questions from the influential Treasury Committee, the ex-business owners said the FCA was ill-suited to handle serious complaints against the lenders it regulates.
What are banks doing to keep their customers’ money and data safe as digital attacks proliferate?
Credit-checking company Experian said criminals were behind 159 in every 10,000 current account applications in 2017, up from 138 in 2016.
Detectives are investigating after Banking Protocol prevents £48,500 of fraud in North Yorkshire in just over 24 hours.
Young people should be aware of the criminal implications of taking part in “money-mule” schemes.
A master hacker who stole customers’ details from as many as 200 firms to sell on the dark web was seized by undercover police in a dramatic operation on board a train.
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