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Tesco Bank has cancelled some of its customers' credit cards, after concerns that a number of accounts may have been compromised.
A thief who used false details to join branches of a gym chain and emptied lockers across England has been jailed.
Cashpoint customers have told of their security fears after an ATM scam was revealed at a Birmingham supermarket .
A 53-year-old shop owner who preyed on friends and vulnerable elderly customers alike, fleecing them of "tens of thousands of pounds" was sentenced to a total of three years
A fraudster who made thousands of pounds selling football tickets he did not have on social media has been jailed for 2 years and 11 months after an investigation by the Met Police.
Catfish victim from Rough Common is determined to change the law
From April this year, changes in the legislation will help to crack down on pension fraud.
Conveyancers who are working to prevent their buyer’s deposits being stolen through their Safe Buyer Scheme partnership have been boosted by the support of the charity Crimestoppers.
A builder who continued working despite claiming more than £65,000 in benefits for his bad back has been sentenced to 12 months in prison at Swansea Crown Court.
To combat the rise of fraud and online crime affecting older people, Age UK has launched a brand new fraud prevention and victim support pilot programme in partnership with Action Fraud
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