Thursday 18 April 2024
11.00am - 12.15pm
“The Challenges of Food Fraud”
We continue with our virtual Master Class programme and are delighted to invite you to listen to a panel discussion chaired by Arun Chauhan, with Selvarani Elahi MBE, Lisa Jack FCCA and Giles Chapman covering the following topics:
- The economic impact of food crime on the UK economy
- Key drivers and food types behind fraud
- Data sharing and innovative approaches within the sector
- The critical role of quality controls and robust frameworks in safeguarding public health
- Food fraud investigations: exploring traceability and following the money
- Regulatory hurdles and strategies for achieving compliance and prosecuting offenders
11.00 |
Registration, Welcome & Introduction
Opening words from Arun Chauhan (host) to introduce the topics
Panel discussion
Arun Chauhan, Director, Tenet Compliance & Litigation
Arun is an accomplished lawyer specialising in disputes and compliance investigations, bringing successful litigation claims to recover loss from financial fraud. Founder of multi award winning disruptive law firm Tenet and the only niche law firm in its field outside of London. Arun is a thought leader, and trainer on counter fraud issues as well as a regular fraud expert for the BBC, quoted in The Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Food Manufacture and New food magazine. He is Trustee Director for the Fraud Advisory Panel and provided evidence to a House of Lords Committee about the impact of digital fraud and effectiveness of the 2006 Fraud Act.
Selvarani Elahi MBE, The Food Authenticity Network
Selvarani is the UK Deputy Government Chemist and Executive Director of the Food Authenticity Network. She has over 25 years’ experience in the analysis of food and agriculture samples working across a variety of policy areas, nationally and internationally, to improve standards in measurement science. Selvarani is the Chair of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Authenticity Methods Working Group and also serves on Defra’s Authenticity Steering Group. She is part of the UK delegation for several Codex and CEN standardisation committees.
Lisa Jack FCCA, University of Portsmouth
Lisa is Professor of Accounting at the University of Portsmouth, and also former President of the British Accounting and Finance Association (2015-2020). She is one of the few accounting researchers to investigate the agri-food industry. Her work considers the effects of accounting and performance measurement practices on the industry, and on society more widely. In particular, she examines fraud in the food and drink industry, and has recently completed a report for the Food Standards Agency in the UK on measuring the cost of food crime. Lisa’s many publications include ‘Benchmarking for food and farming: creating sustainable change.
Giles Chapman, Head of Analysis and Futures in the Food Standards Agency
Giles Chapman is Head of Analysis and Futures in the Food Standards Agency’s National Food Crime Unit (NFCU). He joined the Unit shortly after its inception in 2015, following a career in intelligence analysis within policing, addressing many aspects of serious and organised crime. His responsibilities within NFCU have included ensuring the production of the Unit’s Food Crime Strategic Assessments, work to secure further investigative powers for the Unit, the membership of international working groups and also the Unit’s annual participation in Europol’s Operation OPSON.