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PwC’s Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey
Turn on the news or leaf through a newspaper and chances are you’ll find a story about economic crime or fraud.
Bribery suspected in building collapse…Medical records and financial data of millions hacked… Corporate malfeasance to blame in product failure…Share price plummets as whistle-blower alleges fraudulent accounting practices…
Fraud and economic crime rates remain at record highs, impacting more companies in more diverse ways than ever before.
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As our reliance on the internet to work, shop, bank and socialise increases, networks of international cybercriminals lie in wait to exploit any and every opportunity to steal, scam and deceive. Those of us yet to fall victim take comfort in the idea that our governments and law enforcers are equally tireless in responding to this threat. Those less fortunate have found the opposite to be true. In this, the most comprehensive transatlantic study of its kind, we find that the approach of both police and policymakers to tackling cybercrime is so inadequate that it is tantamount to surrender. On both sides of the Atlantic, we find no systematic attempt to combat cyber fraud at scale. We find millions of victims left to deal with feelings of powerlessness, violation and shame alone. We find the quest for justice largely abandoned by forces without the skills or networks to hunt down perpetrators. In the battle to keep our online spaces safe from cybercrime, we are not just losing. We have lost.
For the NCSC, as for the UK as a whole, this year has been dominated by the unprecedented challenge of the coronavirus pandemic. The organisation is dedicated to making the United Kingdom the safest place in the world to live and work online. During the pandemic it has tackled more cyber threats than ever before. This Annual Review shows how the NCSC took decisive action against malicious actors in the UK and abroad who saw the UK’s digital lifelines as vectors for espionage, fraud and ransomware attacks.
With attacks involving some of the world’s most nefarious ransomware — including Maze, Sodinokibi, DoppelPaymer, Nemty, Nefilim, CLOP and Sekhmet — victims of 2020’s biggest ransomware attacks had spent at least $144 million on costs to June alone. Costs ranged from ransom payment to attack investigation, network rebuilds, backup restoring and protective measures against future attacks. Is your organization prepared for a ransomware attack? Successfully defending against these rampant cyberthreats takes preparation, as well as a deep understanding of what to look for, should an attack begin.
Progress report 2020: Assessing enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
Transparency International’s 2020 report, Exporting Corruption, rates the performance of 47 leading global exporters, including 43 countries that are signatories to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention, in cracking down on bribery of foreign public officials by companies operating abroad. The report shows how well – or poorly – countries are following the rules. More than 20 years after the Convention was adopted, most countries still have a long way to go in meeting their obligations. In fact, active enforcement has significantly decreased since the last report in 2018.
Open Publication
Government Counter Fraud Profession: The Public Sector Counter Fraud Journal - In Issue 6 you will find content from HMRC on illicit finances, an in-depth piece on how fraud and error losses can be measured and how DWP’s Serious and Organised Crime teams have adapted to the challenges of working during the pandemic. You can also read about how Companies House have transformed their counter fraud capabilities, a piece about fraud risk in the NHS and learn about telecoms fraud too.
It is imperative the UK Government and policing prioritise resources to tackle fraud. The threat, risk and harm is significant, especially on the most vulnerable who are easy targets for fraudsters. The current system is not fit for purpose with the national reporting system of Action Fraud and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau being under funded and disjointed from national, regional and local policing bodies. The accountability of the lead police force, City of London Police, needs an overhaul to ensure effective national democratic accountability, which involves Police and Crime Commissioners. Local police forces need to consider how the local infrastructure is supporting the policing response.
In 2019, the Government consulted on a range of options to enhance the role of Companies House and increase the transparency of companies and other legal entities. This document sets out the actions the Government intends to take in response, subject
to funding being agreed in the forthcoming Spending Review. An overview of the reforms is set out below, some of which will require further consultation. These reforms will ensure the regulatory framework for setting up and reporting company information is fit for the 21st century. The Government’s vision is for a register built upon relevant and accurate information that supports the UK’s global reputation as a trusted and welcoming place to do business and a leading exponent of greater corporate transparency. Companies House will play an even stronger role as an enabler of business transactions and economic growth, whilst strengthening the UK’s ability to combat economic crime.
Whether it’s elaborate scams and attempts by criminals to con innocent victims into handing over their money or providing access to data which can then be used to gain illicit funds, stories of those impacted by fraud are becoming increasingly common. In particular, Covid-19 has seen criminal gangs focus on taking advantage of people’s fears and uncertainties around the virus, sometimes to devastating effect. This is demonstrated by a sharp rise in the number of impersonation scams, which nearly doubled in the first six months of the year, with almost 15,000 cases reported. Such scams occur when the victim is convinced to make a payment to a criminal claiming to be from a trusted organisation such as the police, a bank or a government department. In some notable cases recently, fraudsters have tricked victims by pretending to offer government grants to help with Covid-19.
Research into the risks impacting the top 200 AIM listed businesses
There has been a surge in fraud and cybercrime in the UK and AIM listed businesses are not immune. Irrespective of size, listed businesses attract cybercriminals due to their visibility and the opportunity to use share price as leverage to extract ransom payments.
The operational impacts of a breach can result in a loss of service and an inability to deliver goods and services to clients and customers. Valuable management time is lost reacting to fraud and cybercrime and distracts from a business’s mission. The amount of money businesses are losing to cybercrime is increasing. Ransomware attacks alone increased by 350% in 2018, with global ransomware damage costs expected to double to $20 billion by 2021.
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