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The need for cyber security products and services has never been greater, and supporting this sector to grow has been a key objective of DCMS strategy for the last five years. COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives in one way or another. People are concerned about the wellbeing of their friends and family, and businesses in all sectors worry about their ability to weather the storm and protect their livelihoods. Against this backdrop, I have been greatly impressed by the resilience of our cyber security sector – and also by its capacity to do good and support others during tough times. The pandemic has compelled us to rapidly adopt new technology and everyone working in cyber security has therefore played a crucial role in keeping us secure, as we talk, shop and work online more than ever before. This year’s survey of cyber security firms found whilst nine in ten businesses (89%) felt COVID-19 had impacted their business, many of these firms have quickly adjusted and innovated within the current economic climate.
Open Publication
Inside you will find ten articles, including content from the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (part of MI5) on insider threat and some interesting new research on how fraud and corruption can be better prevented through effective messaging. There are also two pieces which are stark reminders of the human cost of fraud. In an article by Crimestoppers we learn about the theft of electricity and gas, including a tragic case which resulted in the loss of life. The journal also highlights the work that National Trading Standards have done to prevent people from falling victim to scams through their award-winning ‘Scam Marshals’ programme.
Open publication
The latest results from the KPMG Fraud Barometer have just been published and cover January to December 2020. The Barometer measures alleged fraud cases with losses of £100,000 or more reaching the UK courts and is the longest-running study of its kind, collating stats for over 30 years. The bi-annual Fraud Barometer identifies the latest fraud trends and patterns affecting the UK economy which helps us remain alert to new threats and respond to fraud risks in an appropriate and proactive manner. The drop in both the value and volume of fraud cases, is not reflective of a downturn in economic crime, but rather fallout following the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on the courts. It is important for individuals and organisations to remain vigilant in their fight against fraud.
Assessing enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
Bribery of foreign public officials has huge costs and consequences for countries across the globe and those costs have become more severe during the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many cases of foreign bribery occurring in health care, we cannot afford for corruption to cost any additional lives.
Transparency International’s 2020 report, Exporting Corruption, rates the performance of 47 leading global exporters, including 43 countries signatories to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention, in cracking down on bribery of foreign public officials by companies operating abroad.
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