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A former RSPCA boss in Shropshire has admitted stealing more than £180,000 from the charity.
Find out how to blow the whistle to the charity regulators with this short practical guide.
Office worker who forged his boss's signature on cheques to steal £214,000 from leisure charity to fund his 'high-end lifestyle' and buy a £10,000 Jaguar is jailed for four years
Learn from one charity’s experience of insider fraud about how to put prevention into practice with the Charity Commission and Amnesty International in this short pre-recorded webinar.
The latest Annual Fraud Indicator estimated fraud against charities in the UK at £2.3 billion in 2017. Against this backdrop, OSCR’s recent guidance on reducing fraud risks is welcome.
A former chairman of the Shropshire branch of the RSPCA has appeared in court over allegations that he stole more than £180,000 from the charity.
During fraud awareness week the Charity Commission will be helping the charity sector become more resilient to fraud.
The Charity Commission has published refreshed guidance on whistleblowing and reporting incidences of serious harm, including safeguarding and reputational concerns.
During fraud awareness week we’ll be helping the charity sector become more resilient to fraud.
Complaints have been made about alleged improper use of funds raised at a charity day in Nuneaton
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