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Estimates from the Crime Survey of England and Wales (CSEW) indicate 4.7m incidents of fraud and computer misuse were experienced by adults in the year ending September 2017, marking a 15 per cent decrease from the previous survey year.
Key survey findings show all-time high incidence levels. Businesses reported all-time high levels of fraud (84%), cyber (86%), and security (70%) incidents.
Focusing on the number of fraud offences which were referred to the NFIB, it has been revealed that Essex had the highest rate of the crime per 1,000 population, with 9,987 offences reported from June 2016 to July 2017- up from 8,172 the previous year.
Fraud in the UK hit its highest level in 15 years in 2017, according to a new analysis, with financial services frauds quadrupling year-on-year.
The percentage of respondents reporting a general increase in ATM crime increased from 42% in 2016 to 54% in the 2017 annual global fraud and security survey.
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