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The former head of a charity for the disabled has pleaded not guilty after being accused of transferring £250,000 from the organisation's pension scheme.
Detectives from the Terrorism Investigation Unit have charged a 45-year old man with offences under the Charities Act.
A woman accused of raising tens of thousands of pounds to treat a cancer she “allegedly did not have” is set for trial, after denying six counts of fraud.
A woman has denied fraudulently accepting more than £45,000 in donations for an illness she allegedly did not have.
This alert provides information and advice to charity trustees about cyber crime and how to report it.
A DISGRACED former councillor has been convicted of taking more than £8,000 from a local charity she worked for.
While accounts were not filed in time, investigation finds no evidence of fraud or misappropriation
A father and son laundered more than £10 million from the illegal sale of Viagra and slimming pills through charities they set up to tackle Jewish poverty, a court heard.
A CROOKED accountant who stole tens of thousands of pounds from two North-East charities has been jailed.
A branch of the RSPCA is being investigated by the police over suspected fraud involving hundreds of thousands of pounds.
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