“MFF always keeps us informed and abreast of evolving fraud and various other informative topics. Very useful events.” Carly Hirst, MD5 Ltd

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    • 10 Oct 2024
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Online


    Thursday 10 October 2024

    9.30 – 11.30am

    Venue: Online 

    Topic: 'Tackling fraud, the Regulators view' - Part 1




    Registration, Welcome & Introduction


    Zenda Talamini - Intelligence Officer, Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)

    Topic: Tackling fraud and serious misconduct in the legal profession


    Jody Newman - Head of Compliance and Professional Standards, Institute of Accountants and Bookkeepers (IAB) Group

    Topic: How regulated professionals can unwittingly enable fraud


    Comfort break


    David Holland - Chief Inspector at Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA)

    Topic: tbc




    Zenda Talamini - Intelligence Officer, Solicitors Regulation Authority

    Zenda is an Intelligence Officer and works within the Intelligence Unit of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (‘SRA’) and has been in this role since 2008.

    She joined the organisation in March 1993 when it was then known as the Solicitors Complaints Bureau.

    Zenda has a wealth of experience having worked for the organisation for over 30 years and she enjoys the variety the role brings and the fact that every day is different. 

    Zenda’s role within the Intelligence Unit is to receive, develop and disseminate intelligence both internally and externally, in support of the SRA's regulatory role and objectives. 

    The Intelligence Unit is a small team, but it plays a vital role in receiving intelligence from a wide range of sources and is always looking to develop new intelligence contacts.

    Jody Newman - Head of Compliance and Professional Standards, Institute of Accountants and Bookkeepers (IAB) Group

    Jody has led the Compliance and Professional Standards at the IAB for the past 5 years, representing the organisation in its role as one of the UK’s accountancy sector Professional Body AML Supervisors.  Through this he has been involved in the development and delivery of a range of cross sector strategies aimed at reducing money laundering, fraud and wider economic crime – most recently the NECC led professional enabler strategy. 

    Since chairing the accountancy sector Intelligence Sharing Expert Working Group (ISEWG) in 2022, Jody has continued to promote the potential of information sharing and collaboration between law enforcement and Professional Body Supervisors.  Prior to joining the regulatory space, Jody worked as a police Detective covering financial crime and safeguarding.  Through this he gained first-hand experience of the operational side of law enforcement investigations, as well as seeing the value of intelligence sharing and potential of partnership working with external agencies.

    David Holland - Chief Inspector at Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA)

    [mini bio]

    Audience participation is, as always, most welcome and encouraged!

Past events

04 Sep 2024 Panel Discussion on 'The impact of the General Election on the Government’s approach to economic crime in the next 12-24 months’
05 Jun 2024 Failure to Prevent Fraud: A Practical Perspective
18 Apr 2024 “The Challenges of Food Fraud”
27 Feb 2024 Implementing a Fraud Prevention Culture
05 Dec 2023 Midlands Fraud Forum Winter Discussion - 5 December 2023
19 Sep 2023 Sus-strain-ability
06 Jun 2023 Compliance and Ethics
27 Apr 2023 Fraudulent CryptoCurrency Platforms – is there any hope of recovering stolen crypto assets?
01 Feb 2023 Companies House update and Open Source Intelligence developments
06 Dec 2022 Midlands Fraud Forum Winter Discussion - 6 December 2022
01 Nov 2022 Employee Fraud
28 Sep 2022 Investment Fraud Claims
07 Apr 2022 Virtual Investigative Interviewing
01 Feb 2022 Corporate Fraud Strategy – Insolvency Service and Companies House
14 Dec 2021 Midlands Fraud Forum Winter Discussion
11 Nov 2021 Making Whistleblowing an Asset
14 Sep 2021 Perspectives on Gambling and Sports Frauds
06 May 2021 Perspectives on Financial Fraud
04 Mar 2021 Open Source Intelligence and how best to use it
14 Jan 2021 From Fraud Investigation to Court
15 Dec 2020 Midlands Fraud Forum Winter Discussion
24 Sep 2020 Policing Fraud
20 Aug 2020 Cyber, Fraud and Enforcement
14 Jul 2020 Fraud and Misconduct Risks Arising From Covid-19
18 Jun 2020 Crisis Fraud
24 Mar 2020 Cyber Fraud and Enforcement
09 Jan 2020 The Insolvency Service – “Lifting the Mist”
10 Dec 2019 Midlands Fraud Forum Debate
14 Nov 2019 Demystifying Employee Fraud Investigations
14 Nov 2019 Demystifying Employee Fraud Investigations - Repeat Event
11 Sep 2019 Cryptocurrencies
09 Jul 2019 Financial Fraud
04 Apr 2019 Cyber Fraud
24 Jan 2019 The Evolving face of Insurance Fraud
05 Dec 2018 Midlands Fraud Forum Debate
30 Oct 2018 Criminal and Civil Investigations
20 Sep 2018 Incident Management for Cyber Fraud
18 Jul 2018 Employee Theft of information, Cyber and GDPR
02 May 2018 Open Source Intelligence and Investigative routes
22 Mar 2018 Privilege in investigations
12 Dec 2017 Victimology
21 Nov 2017 Bribery and Corruption
04 Oct 2017 Anatomy of a civil fraud claim
11 Jul 2017 in inceptum finis est
21 Jun 2017 Cyber Fraud
18 May 2017 The Fraud Act 2006 – 10 years on
20 Apr 2017 Pension Fraud and Vulnerable Victims
28 Mar 2017 Operation Afflek
11 Jan 2017 Insolvency
17 Nov 2016 Piercing the corporate veil and money laundering
18 Oct 2016 Interviewing fraud & preventing mortgage fraud
14 Sep 2016 Public Sector and Healthcare Fraud
07 Jul 2016 Cyber Fraud
09 Jun 2016 Fraud Investigations
10 May 2016 Money Laundering and Disclosure in Criminal Cases
12 Apr 2016 Insurance fraud and vehicle leasing fraud
01 Dec 2015 The Winter Fraud Discussion
27 Oct 2015 How to interview about fraud
24 Sep 2015 Investigating Financial Fraud
18 Jun 2015 Investigative Interviewing
24 Mar 2015 Cybercrime - The changing landscape
22 Jan 2015 The Fraud Debate: Showcasing Private, Public & Civil Actions
02 Dec 2014 The Fraud Debate: Showcasing Private, Public & Civil Actions
19 Nov 2014 The Future of Fraud in the Financial Sector
13 Nov 2014 The Future of Fraud in the Financial Sector
16 Oct 2014 Investigative Interviewing Masterclass
23 Sep 2014 'Suspicion, Action, Results' An update on Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
24 Jun 2014 Counter Fraud 2020: A Twelve Point Plan to Protect the UK
25 Mar 2014 Sport and Fraud
05 Dec 2013 Investigating Fraud, Local to Global
13 Oct 2013 Insolvency
04 Oct 2013 Confiscation Update
12 Sep 2013 Masterclass
20 Jun 2013 Data: the fraudster's nemesis
19 Mar 2013 Meet the Authors: Countering Fraud and Managing Fraud Risks
16 Jan 2013 Fraud, behind the scenes
11 Dec 2012 The Proceeds of Crime Act and Civil Recovery
24 Sep 2012 Tackling Business Fraud
29 May 2012 Fighting Fraud
26 Mar 2012 The Auditor and Fraud
02 Jan 2012 Fraud and Punishment: Increasing Deterrence through More and Effective Sanctions.
06 Dec 2011 Fraud: Your Solicitor or the Police? - a Debate
12 Sep 2011 Fraud, reporting to and investigation by police
19 May 2011 Buyer beware: Minimising fraud in procurement
04 Mar 2011 The Bribery Act 2010
14 Dec 2010 Masterclass
13 Oct 2010 (MTIC (Carousel) Fraud in UK and the EEC)
14 Jul 2010 Testing the Temperature of Your Anti-Fraud Culture
29 Apr 2010 The Intelligent Breakfast Briefing
16 Dec 2009 Interview with a Fraudster
01 Jul 2009 Fraud in the Public sector (Topics: Procurement and employee fraud and the Bribery Bill)
19 May 2009 Investigation Through to Prosecution
01 Dec 2008 Employee Fraud
24 Sep 2008 Mortgage Fraud
14 May 2008 Anti Money Laundering

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